
Volleyball – youth programs & open play for youth & adults

We offer a very active volleyball program for children and adults, and new participants are always welcome. Program descriptions are below. Please refer to our monthly court schedule, website Events, or Facebook page for current availability.


Open play is typically available in the late fall and winter. Weekly open play sessions accommodate families and ages 13 & older.


Junior Volleyball: A weekly introductory program for 3rd – 5th graders typically offered December – April. This is a drop-in program (no registration required). During the hour-long session, kids learn about the game and build their skills with a local coach. Drop in fee: $5.

Middle School Volleyball – Programs with a local coach include skills clinics, a multiweek winter program and summer camp.

High School Volleyball – Programs with a local coach include skill clinics, a multiweek winter competitive play program and summer camp.